How Cloudflare Proved to Be Helpful For Bloggers

Bloggers and websites are very much related terms to each other or we can say a blogger must have a website to explain his ideas(which means theme of the blog) and display his/her content to the visitors i.e. idea about what he thinks of and researched on. There is term which I want to introduce to the newbies which would help them to market your website without making any of your efforts. Cloudfare is the name which is not new but still struggle a little bit among the bloggers. It is the foundation of your infrastructure, application and teams. In other words, we can defined CloudFlare as Content Delivery Network and circulated domain name server service marketed as enlightening website performance, speed and providing security. The service providers will be responsible to automatically optimize the supply of your web pages which helps visitors of the blogs/websites to acquire the reckless page load times and optimize the performance of the blog. The optimization of the blog is important in this era because wait time of any web page may kill the interest of the visitors.

Interesting: What Factors Make Blogging Difficult to Newbies?

It is very easy to use the technology of Cloudflare as it can be deployed in just few minutes, you just need to update your DNS settings and point them to Cloudflare account dedicated for your website and optimize performance and security instantly that includes CDN, WAF, WAN, DDoS, and more. It also helps creating new applications without any deployment done for physical infra and that will reduce your cost of maintenance of devices like load balancer and others. It facilitates developers a flexible, Internet-scale platform to deploy complete serverless code quickly and across the globe.

Why You Should Use CloudFlare?

  • Global CDN:

As I stated above, the company introduced itself as next generation CDN (Content Delivery Network). But the next question is how they are CDN? In the next statement they explain that to improve the load time of web pages or the websites they carries content from the location contiguous to readers which in turn helps to speeds up the website’s loading time. And this can be done with the help of a number of data centers around the world which company owns.

  • Cache:

Do you need more speed factors to be included in your website than Cloudflare is the right choice as it makes it able to cache your website without having to go through complex settings and technical terminology. Automatically, Cloudflare will cache only static content which may be images, CSS and other files.

  • Security:

While we are new to the market of blogging we may not be aware of the required security features. Are you aware of the security features that are must to install in your websites? If your answer is No then Cloudfare may help to build your faith regarding security of the website by tracking the potential threats and restrict them on the entrance point. By utilizing their huge information database, they know very well who’s a threat, and users can also be able to select the IP addresses to block.

  • At the time of Server Down:

There are certain conditions when server may get crash or down due to any reason which will take some time to get recover. When the server get down due to any reason, it doesn’t show any page on the website but the scenario is changed as the Cloudfare takes the responsible to make your site alive at that situation and continues to serve the cached pages.

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