Link Profile Diversity: A Tool for Survival with Google

It seems that Google will always try to engaged in some kind for researches to improve their searches due to which webmasters will have to face difficulties. So there is a term in the online market which proves to be an effective tool to fight with such types changes in the Google policies which is called “Link Diversity” and would help the webmasters to recover their sites from the update which is still to give the name.

All the webmasters already accepted that link building is considered to be a very powerful weapon to increase the website ranking. And there are different method to achieve the same with an ease, activities such as social bookmarking, blog commenting and many others. But a slight misdirection may lead to a big disaster and to overcome this, Link profile with Diversity will need to follow so we have to go through the factors a little bit deep and check for the importance of Link Diversity to make our SEO results to be the best one among the industry.

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It is a well known fact about Google that it loves natural links which are from different root domains with various different keywords linked to your website on various pages. It can be observed that it is far better to create 100 links from 100 domains with the most relevant different keywords rather than to create 100 links from the same domain.

Now the question is what adds to your Link Profile Diversity??

Some of the factor that has to be taken into consideration here which are given below:

  • Number of Linking Domains

As discussed above, 100 links from 100 domains are much better and more supportive in the improvement of website ranking on SERPs. It is common mistakes that we all do, we should not run to create more quantity of the links. Quality of the link will be more effective and it should from different domains which will help you make the performance of website on SERPs of Google much better and smooth.

  • Types of Linking Domain

We all may another common confusion that may leads webmasters to hurt on Google SERPs, we are talking about types of sites that you are using in Link building such as website directories, article directories, blogging websites, blogs, government or educational sites, ecommerce sites, wiki sites, social networks, and much more. Don’t let yourself with the thought of relation of relevancy and topic here with the term types of domains. In short, we should think of creating links from various types of websites which further makes our website rich of link diversity.

  • Anchor Text

The most talked reason behind the fluctuation is Anchor Text, which can play an important role in adding link diversity factor at a great extent. Generally, at the time of implementation we think of keywords for Anchor Text to link our site, I believe we all agree with this. But you know, it may create a big problem to ranking results as Google may not look at these as it to be a natural link. Here, we have another concept for creating Anchor text, it is Partial Anchor text to link the site instead of the exact keyword.

  • Topics of linking domains

It should be our thumb rule that the domains with which webmasters link their websites should be relevant to the theme of their website. Suppose we have a website for sale of flowers online than it is much better to make link to sites which are involved in the domain of flowers related work rather than a movie site.

We all have seen a number of big fluctuations in the search rankings, It can be concluded the results that websites are affected by the weak Link Diversity Profile. So I suggest keeping the concept of Link Diversity in your mind and measure the linking website with the factor given above to make a right choice. Though it is an old concept but still it is young in the eyes of Google so be in love with these factors to make Google loves your website.

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