Hit Blog Readers With Video Efficiently To Bind Their Interest

Every reader likes to see the topic of their own interest rather than to read it and that was proved. People are more interested towards the video sites like youtube.com and vimeo.com which seems to be the evidence for the popularity of videos on the web among the readers. If anyone needs some online lectures for the particular topic then video sites are very helpful i.e. means students, IT employees and other people who needs knowledge about their interest can use the video sites. Part of this is also due to improvements in video technology. Even with the increased trend of smartphones in the market, these smartphones are also equipped with video capabilities and small high-resolution digital cameras are low-priced.

Because of this matter, for the blogs owner, is it really needed to involve series of videos in their blog to gain extra popularity among the readers?

I think now it is clear from the above discussion the answer is Yes. And the reasons are clear i.e. to add more interest to your blog, giving your visitors a richer experience. Video sites such as Youtube.com offer a golden opportunity to create your own video just by having images into a single video.

Below we have specified some of the things to consider when you use video to improve your blog.

  • Keep your videos short

If you are thinking of the video with a great length to attract the readers more than enough, then drop the idea. Just keep the length of the videos short as much as possible. The length may be 3 minutes which quite enough and idol for the readers but the topic should cover at it appropriate way.

  • Write supporting content

It is a good idea to have text in video blogs and the text should be the explanation of what the video
wants to convey. A transcript of the video is actually the best way to do it. This helps when anyone who
doesn’t wants to or can’t able to see the video then they did not lose the interest from your blog.

  • Insert content after the video, too

While adding video and content to your blog just keep a sequence of both. First you have to explain of what the video focused for then put the video and then add the explanation for the same.

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